Boomerang Blog

Boomerang’s 5 Advantages Over In-House Asset Recovery

It is not an uncommon occurrence for a company to approach Boomerang Asset Recovery after having attempted to manage their own in-house unclaimed property recovery efforts. While their individual motivations for making such a switch can vary, our clients tend to universally cite 5 key advantages that partnering with us makes possible: Our Search is Wider: In-house recovery efforts typically focus entirely on the state-held properties that can be found on individual and aggregated state web sites. Boomerang’s own database also possesses these very same state records. However, we extend our reach by also including the updated property listings from...
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Winning the Name Game in Asset Recovery

The purpose of any corporate asset recovery effort is to locate and retrieve all unclaimed property that is associated with a given company’s name. For that reason, a successful asset recovery might just be the ultimate answer for the age-old question, “What’s in a name?” But sometimes the unique characteristics of a company’s name can create a challenge when attempting to locate its assets through conventional approaches. Sometimes a name can get in its own way. Any corporate entity with a “complex” name commonly prone to spelling anomalies is especially at risk of having difficult-to-locate unclaimed property. Consider for example...
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The Argument for Outsourcing Asset Recovery

It’s not unusual for a company to outsource their asset recovery efforts only after having first attempted and failed to do it on their own. These in-house recovery initiatives always begin with the best of intentions. Typically, one or more people within the organization are grouped into a recovery team, armed with little more than the URL of a popular lost property website as their primary tool. In a short time, they discover how limited the search functions of these on-line property locators can be, leading to frustration and a noticeable lack of results. Maybe it shouldn’t be a surprise...
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